Presidential Sustainability Solutions Fellow Anna Vinton examines how organisms can evolve to survive climate change

January 24, 2024, USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Video by USC Office of Sustainability

Postdoctoral researcher Anna Vinton is among five inaugural recipients of a new Presidential Sustainability Solutions Fellowship as part of  USC’s Assignment: Earth framework. Using mathematical models and machine learning, Vinton examines how populations of certain species can evolve and adapt alongside climate change. As part of her upcoming research, she’ll be working with USC Wrigley Institute Faculty Affiliate Carly Kenkel to gain a deeper understanding of the long-term survival of coral reefs in the face of rising sea temperatures and other changes. She’ll also work with USC Wrigley Institute Director Joe Árvai to develop frameworks that will guide stakeholders to navigate ecological questions around the management of these important ecosystems.