Earth Month: Alamitos Beach Cleanup for Earth Month

April 23, 2023, 9:30AM, Alamitos Beach, Long Beach, CA

Join the USC Fieser Group, USC Wrigley Institute, and USC Annenberg for an Alamitos Beach cleanup this Earth Month. Trojans will conduct a beach clean-up and collect plastics and trash at Alamitos Beach.

Please wear a hat, comfortable clothing, sunblock, and closed-toe shoes for plastic and trash clean up. Walking barefoot on the beach is not advised. We will be walking along the beach, “weather-permitting.” Please wear layered and comfortable clothing. All volunteers will be provided with free trash bags, gloves, and tongs for picking up trash.

Please arrive at Alamitos Beach to pick up your beach cleanup supplies. We will meet along the pathway to “Shoreline Marina Fuel Dock” on the west side of the beach, which is south of the parking lot.